
Why Long-Form Content Still Captivates and Converts

Creating content for your private or business’s social media you can ask yourself which form of content is better: sort texts and reels or vice versa longer articles and videos. We live in a time when life tempo is too fast and we don’t want to spend much time on anything that doesn’t engage us at once. But when we find it valuable, useful, and entertaining we get fully involved and ready to spend as much time on captivating content as necessary.

So while planning and making content for your marketing needs, focus on the use and value it provides to your audience. Don’t limit yourself to short texts and videos that aren’t longer than 30 seconds. Let us explain why long-form content: articles, detailed reviews, informative podcasts,webinars, and live streams, remains one of the most efficient ways to build trust and loyalty with your target audience and bring the desired results.

  • Increased user engagement. Interesting and relevant articles, podcasts, and videos make users spend more time on your website or social media and visit it more often. It benefits your business a lot since customers become more familiar with your brand and strengthen their ties with your brand.
  • Improved SEO (search engine optimization). The longer texts you write and videos shoot the more relevant information and keywords they contain. So your content will get better search engine rankings and more often your target audience sees your account. 
  • Better lead generation. If your present and future customers find your content high-quality and like it, they share it with their family, friends, etc. You can also encourage your target audience to communicate with you, share posts and videos, and leave comments if you add a CTA (call to action). It works really well with  long-form content and leads to increased sales.
  • Providing in-depth expertise. Creating long-form content you can show your expertise in the field by providing detailed explanations, showing your opinion, and giving some facts too. Thus you build trust with your present customers and attract new ones.

Now let’s see what long-form content captivates and converts more efficiently.

  • Blog entries. Luckily blog posts vary a lot; they can be depth-in analytical texts, posts with entertaining information, or narrative-driven stories. The main advantage is that they can be written on literally any topic. The only piece of advice is make them relevant to your business. 
  • Long-read articles. They are typically longer than standard ones and include a detailed analysis, recent research, or an expert opinion. Thoroughly plan what you’re going to write about, think of the article’s structure, stick to the topic, and try to explain it in easy-to-understand language. 
  • Expert videos. This form of content is a good way to present difficult information in a lively way. So your viewers are more engaged when they see a real person in a video with emotions and mimics. It helps to build trust in various ways: the high-quality and well-structured text you tell, your mimics and body language, and your clothes.
  • Podcasts. Audio narrations on a wide range of relevant topics can consist of one or many more episodes. Thus you tell them the needed information in a friendly and conversational tone. Your podcasts can feature experts’ opinions, exciting interviews, and some data analyses. 
  • Interactive content. If we think of the best form to present your brand, we inevitably think of online content that motivates users to interact with you. It can be in the form of quizzes and polls, interactive maps or timelines, or quizzes. 

To sum up, the content is still the king, and it works better when more and more people know about your brand. If not, you can fix it with the help of a handy online service The platform was made to provide your social media with lots of new followers, likes, and shares. This risk-free and absolutely reliable service will help your online media skyrocket, become more visible, and convert your followers into consumers. Ready for that? Then employ

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