
Push Your Limits: Advanced Wakeboarding Moves

Wakeboarding is a sport that continually challenges riders to push their boundaries, combining athleticism with creativity. Once you’ve mastered the basics and are comfortable with fundamental tricks, it’s time to elevate your game and explore advanced moves that will truly showcase your skills. In this guide, we’ll delve into some of the most exciting advanced wakeboarding moves, providing tips and techniques to help you execute them with style and precision.

1. Backflip (Invert)

The backflip, or “backroll,” is one of the most exhilarating tricks in wakeboard involving a full backward rotation in the air.

How to Execute a Backflip

  1. Approach with Speed: Begin with a strong, steady approach using a hard heel-side edge. The speed and edge will help you generate the necessary lift.
  2. Initiate the Flip: As you hit the wake, pull the handle toward your body and lean back slightly. This will start the rotation backward. Throw your head and shoulders back to help initiate the flip.
  3. Tuck Your Knees: As you start rotating, tuck your knees up toward your chest. This will help you spin faster and keep your rotation tight.
  4. Spot Your Landing: As you complete the flip, keep your eyes on the horizon and prepare for landing. Extend your legs and prepare to absorb the impact with bent knees.


  • Ensure you have sufficient speed and edge to clear the wake.
  • Keep your movements controlled and avoid over-rotating.

2. Tantrum

The tantrum is a stylish trick that combines a backflip with a forward spin. It’s a crowd-pleaser and a great way to showcase your aerial skills.

How to Execute a Tantrum

  1. Build Speed: Approach the wake with a strong heel-side edge, and ensure you have good speed to generate the necessary lift.
  2. Throw the Flip: As you hit the wake, pull the handle in and lean back while simultaneously throwing your shoulders and head backward to initiate the flip.
  3. Complete the Rotation: Use the upward momentum to complete the backflip. Keep your body compact and your eyes on the horizon.
  4. Prepare for Landing: As you complete the flip, extend your legs and prepare to land. Keep your knees bent to absorb the impact smoothly.


  • Focus on timing and speed. Too much speed can cause over-rotation, while too little can result in a flat landing.
  • Practice inverts on smaller wakes before attempting a tantrum.

3. 360 Spin

The 360 spin involves a full 360-degree rotation while in the air. This trick requires excellent air control and balance.

How to Execute a 360 Spin

  1. Approach with Momentum: Build speed and approach the wake with a strong heel-side or toe-side edge, depending on your preference.
  2. Initiate the Spin: As you hit the wake, use your shoulders and hips to begin the rotation. Keep the rope handle close to your body to maintain control.
  3. Complete the Rotation: Focus on spinning quickly and spotting your landing. Keep your body compact and your head in line with your shoulders to help with the spin.
  4. Land Smoothly: As you finish the rotation, prepare to land with your knees bent to absorb the impact.


  • Practice spins on the water surface before attempting the 360.
  • Start with a 180 spin and gradually progress to a 360.

4. Double Up

The double up involves hitting a large wake created by a boat making a sharp turn, offering a larger and more powerful wake for executing tricks.

How to Execute a Double Up

  1. Approach the Turn: Coordinate with the boat driver to execute a sharp turn, creating a double-up wake.
  2. Prepare for the Wake: As the boat turns, position yourself to hit the large wake. Keep your edge strong and your body low for maximum lift.
  3. Launch Off the Wake: Use the power of the double-up wake to launch yourself into the air. Focus on your body position and handle control.
  4. Execute the Trick: Use the extra height and power to perform advanced tricks, such as spins or flips.
  5. Land with Control: As you come down, ensure a smooth and controlled landing by keeping your knees bent and your weight centered.


  • Communicate with the boat driver for precise timing.
  • Practice on smaller wakes to build confidence before attempting double ups.

5. KGB

The KGB is a combination of a backflip and a 360-degree spin, creating a complex and impressive trick.

How to Execute a KGB

  1. Approach with Speed: Build up speed with a strong heel-side edge to generate the lift needed for the flip and spin.
  2. Initiate the Trick: As you hit the wake, lean back and pull the handle toward your body to start the backflip. Simultaneously, initiate the 360-degree rotation by rotating your shoulders.
  3. Complete the Flip and Spin: Focus on keeping your body tight to execute the backflip while spinning 360 degrees. Keep your head in line with your shoulders to help with the spin.
  4. Prepare for Landing: Spot your landing and extend your legs to prepare for impact. Absorb the landing with bent knees for a smooth finish.


  • This trick requires practice and confidence in both backflips and spins.
  • Work on each component of the trick separately before combining them.

6. Handle Pass

A handle pass involves transferring the tow rope from one hand to the other while in the air. This trick is essential for many advanced maneuvers.

How to Execute a Handle Pass

  1. Approach the Wake: Build speed and approach the wake with a strong edge to generate lift.
  2. Initiate the Trick: As you get airborne, start the rotation and pull the handle towards your body.
  3. Pass the Handle: As you reach the peak of your jump, let go of the handle with one hand and pass it to the other hand. Ensure a smooth transfer and keep the handle close to your body.
  4. Complete the Trick: Maintain control of the handle as you complete the trick and prepare for landing.
  5. Land with Precision: Spot your landing and absorb the impact with bent knees.


  • Practice handle passes on the water before attempting them in the air.
  • Focus on timing and smoothness of the handle transfer.

7. Moby Dick

The Moby Dick is a combination of a frontflip and a 360-degree spin, making it a visually stunning and challenging trick.

How to Execute a Moby Dick

  1. Build Speed: Approach the wake with a strong toe-side edge to generate lift.
  2. Initiate the Trick: As you hit the wake, pull the handle towards your body and lean forward to start the frontflip.
  3. Add the Spin: As you complete the flip, begin the 360-degree rotation by rotating your shoulders and hips.
  4. Prepare for Landing: Spot your landing and extend your legs to absorb the impact smoothly.


  • This trick requires a high level of control and practice.
  • Work on frontflips and spins separately before combining them.


Advanced wakeboarding moves offer a thrilling challenge and a chance to showcase your skills on the water. By mastering tricks like the backflip, tantrum, 360 spin, and handle pass, you can push your limits and elevate your wakeboarding game. Remember, practice is key to executing these tricks with precision and style. Stay focused on safety, and enjoy the exhilarating experience of pushing the boundaries of wakeboarding. So grab your board, hit the water, and start perfecting those advanced moves!

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